Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Das Universum als Teil der Inquisition & Atheismus eine der skurrilsten Glaubenslehren
Ich bin da zufaellig uebers Narrenschiff reingedopst und dann wurde Es zunehmend Uebler
Mein soweit letzter Kommentar:
"Da muss ich jetzt die Segel streichen.
Du ueberfaehrst mich da mit einem, zugegeben, dehnbaren Kreationismus, welchen du schon in deinem letzten Kommentar hast anklingen lassen: "Das ist letztlich eine Glaubensfrage, aber Weltentstehungstheorien ohne Gott erscheinen mir noch viel unwahrscheinlicher."
Ich bin, wovon du anfaenglich ausgehst, nicht zum Verreissen hier, ... i just dropped in ...
Gehe ich von deiner, nahezu aggressiv verfochtenen Ueberzeugung aus, verstehe ich dies durchaus. Einem gigantisch religioesen Potential muss man ja nicht unbedingt die Tuer vor den Schaedel knallen.
Aus meiner Sicht balanzierst du damit am Grad zur Extreme, was schon an deinem heftigen, unterstellenden Stiefel gegen Atheisten leicht erkennbar wird. (selbst die Genesha sind realistischer)
Eine gar goettliche, auf Glauben basierende Arroganz.
"Atheismus ist nicht etwa die Abwesenheit von Glauben, sondern eine spezifische Glaubenslehre, und m.E. eine der skurrilsten."
Ich Glaube nicht, dass es keinen Gott(großes, unfassbares Rätsel, .. In Wahrheit eher ein Komplex von Fragen als eine Antwort. …. etc. …) gibt, ich Weis es.
Deine unnachgiebig, denunzierende Glaubensdiktatur hat mich mal wieder ueberzeugt mich besser nicht mit Glauebigen anzulegen.
Geschichte und Gegenwart lassen mir nicht allzuviel friedlichen Spielraum in diesesm brutalen Monopol. …. and i Love Freedom.
Solltest du meinen Beitrag als uebertrieben betrachten, geh einfach nochmal durch deine Kommentare/etc. .
Fuer derart 'Voodoo hab ich rein gar nichts uebrig!
Ansonsten hab ich zB. von politischen Standpunkten aus nichts gegen diese Seite.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Da wird doch glatt der Adolf hart
Der neuste Wehrmacht-Clip
(The new fucking German-Army Add)
Etwas realgeiler, ein alter Klassiker
(Hotter, an old Classic)
Und dann unser aller Western-Hymne
(And our Western-Anthem)
By Moonlight we ride, Ten'thousands Side by Side
With Swords drawn held high, our Whips and Armours shine
Hail to thee our Infantry, Still brave beyond the Grave
All have sworn the eternal Vow... The Time to strike is now
[Chorus:] Kill, kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill,...Oh !
Gone are the days when Freedom shone, Now Blood and Steel meet Bone
In the Light of the Battle's Way, The Sands of Time will shade
How proud our Soldiers stand, With Mace and Chain in Hand
Sound the Charge into glory Ride, Over the Top of the vanguished Pride
[Chorus:] Victory, Victory, Oh...! Victory, Victory, Oh...! Victory, Victory, Oh...! Victory, Victory, Oh.....!
To the Battle we ride, We crossed a starlit Sky, No Space no Time, We'll catch the Wind
Strange Losses, Men died, We crossed a starlit Sky
And still no Space or Time, We'll catch the Wind
[Chorus:] Kill, Kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill, Oh...!
Sound of Charge into glory Ride, Over the Top of the anguished Pride
By Moonlight we ride, Ten'thousands Side by Side
[Chorus:] Kill, Kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill, Oh...! Kill, Kill, Oh...!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Fact-Resistance .. Idiocrazy .... TeaReps
That seems almost unfair. .. Maybe Rick just had a real bad Day!
Unfortunately there has been no better Day to be found yet.
Since he started babbling, how good he did for Texas, in Order to gain a propper Reputation for becoming President, Some take a closer Look on Facts, and Thats rather Devastating.
Also, whenever Rick moves his Lips, you think you're in LaLa-Land and LaLa-Man is right in Front of you.
Its not just about his 2 out of 3, It was before like That and It just keeps on Cuming. Inevitably!!
For instant Yesterday, .. one bad Day of nothing but bad Days, .. Perry just did not get it.. at ALL .. Again.!!
"Two Days after releasing a Television ad chastising President Obama for calling Americans “lazy,” Texas Gov. Rick Perry stuck to the Claim in his TV Spot despite having taken Obama’s Comments out of Context."
"Even after Bill O’Reilly played President Obama’s entire comments, which show the President was referencing the Government and Business Sector not Americans, Perry still clung to his Belief."
"“Yeah it’s a fair ad absolutely,” Perry said on “The O’Reilly Factor” Friday evening. “This president’s traveled around the country making excuses for America, apologizing for America, saying that America is not an exemplary country, and then he gets on TV and talks about that Americans are lazy, that they’ve lost their ambition, that they’ve lost their imagination.”"
"“He said we’ve been a little lazy,” Perry said. “I think he’s talking about Americans.”
“Do you really?” O’Reilly asked. “Is That what you took away from That?”" .........
(After, with his BullShit, even losing Grounds at O' Reillys!!!, ... Coyote-Rick comes with One of this imbecile Teabagger- (sucking Corporate Balls in submissive Position) -Crap, and calls Obama a Socialist.
Obama a Socialist?? ... I'm certainly Santa, .. an Yes, my fucking Reindeers fly and they're all Gay!!)
And there comes Ricks Brainfart: "“Absolutely,” Perry said. “I think that’s exactly what he’s talking about. I think this is a Man who really, if he believed that Americans were hardworking, that they were ready to ignite this Economy, then we wouldn’t have the Tax Policy, wouldn’t have the Regulatory Policies in place that are killing Jobs in this Country.”"
"Perry did not hide his Contempt for the President and his Policies and directly labeled Obama a “Socialist.”
“Absolutely,” Perry said. “I think Barack Obama is a Socialist.”"
Perry Thinks? ... which is barely possible, as Thinking needs Brains.
And sure, the only Thing he can come up with, is the typical TeaRep-Rap -Tax Policy-, which means less Taxes especially for the Rich, further Deregulations for Industries ... and again he forgot the third One, .. 'Less Government'.
And that is, what already kills Jobs and Country. ...... Not that Rick would Know!! ....
And there are some other 'Frontrunners like Cain, who started shining with Crap like a Deadly Electric Fence between USA/Mexico, .. Soldiers and Drones, ....
But That was just a Choke. .....
Otherwise, he doesn't know the Difference between an Arse and an Elbow .... his 9-9-9-Plan ist totally Idiotic and would Fuck Up the Country befor you can say SHIT.
Back to Foreign Policies ..... what do you expect from a Bunch of Morons, who are more than Stupid enough to bring Down their own People, ..... if you give 'Em the Chance.
A few Days ago, Cain proofed, that He doesn't know Dick about Lybia.
We're talking about a very present Event, goes on since March an Before, .... and if You don't know about That, what Else don't Ya??
And Today?? ... Al Quaida and the Taliban ruling Lybia!!
The first Part of this Clip gives You also the 'ADVISOR-Gingrich (who in despite or because his Scandal leads the Polls Now), all them 'Bitches accuse Cain are Liars, and YES, ... the Taliban moved to Lybia. ...............
All this strange People, would be really funny in some twisted Comedy-Show on HBO.
At least You could laugh about It.
But PLEASE, ... stop trying to Fuck Up your Country and the Rest of this Planet!! ... Go Home. ... Stay There and Shut the Fuck Up ..
Friday, November 18, 2011
Protect Me from My People
Yes, I understand!
Everybody, especially 'public prominence' People, and most certainly Politicians, need Protection. ... from some People .. of The People. .... of Their People.
Of which Kind of People is Herman Cain in need of Protection?
"Cain, who is black, should not run for the White House."
""Tell him not to run" and "there's no such Thing as a black Republican, ...""
Now, .. let Me tell You Something .. Herman: These People You need Protection of, are no Democrats, no Kommunists nor Socialists, no Muslims, Atheists, Latinos, or any other Group of People, You fucking Fuck with!
It's Your Own Fucking People, You chose to Run For!! ... TeaReps, Who are most responsible for any Kind of harsh Racism and all Kind of fucked up Prejudism in Your Country.
I am no Racist/etc., and I would like to be in Sound with Everybody.
So What?? .. is your fucking Problem???
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Foreign Policy ?? .... DickHead Policy !!!
American Foreign Policy?? ..... What does that mean?
Having a homungous Military Budget, which covers nearly Half of the Global Military Budget, fucking with your, so called, Enemies in a provoking, aggressive, pure Non-diplomatic/politcal Way and eventually attacking 'Them without further Consideration. .......etc.
How that could and should be, Mr. 'Yes We Can' babbled repeatedly: "Let us never negotiate out of Fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."
Which means, after the last 3 Years, as much as DICK! ..... Not one fucking Word!!!
Yesterday the Dicks, which want to become next President, have been tested on their Foreign Policy-Skills.
The Reuters-Article states One certain Truth, right to begin With: "None of the eight candidates has much foreign policy experience, ..." .... Ain't that so fucking RIGHT!!
That They have not the slidest Idea, what would be Good and Ease the growing Misery for their own American People at All, is So for Granted. .... If you just listen to that Bachmann-Thing, which said, " ‘If Anyone Will Not Work, Neither Should He Eat’ ... and her TeaRep-Buddies aren't any better.
So what do you expect from this Idiocrats in Case of Foreign Policy? ... Fucking DICK!!!
First, The Newt: "....declared he would launch Covert Operations within Iran in Order to be able to deny Them later."
There are no fucking Screws left to be Loose, if you say some fucking Shit like That.
The 'Businessman Herman' drools in a similar Way: ".... the only way to stop Iran from a Nuclear Weapon was through economic means, squeezing Tehran through Sanctions and boosting Iran's Opposition Movement."
Which means again, to interfere within Irans National Affairs.
Also some Brainfart from the Mormon: "Romney said he would pursue tough economic sanctions and make clear the United States would be willing to go to war to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.
"Look, one thing you can know and that is if we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And if we elect Mitt Romney, if you elect me as the next president, they will not have a nuclear weapon," he said."
"....and make clear the United States would be willing to go to war to stop Iran ...." .... and dare, you fucking Idiots call Yourselfs Politicians!!!
I don't want to quote that whole fucking Shit .... just read it and Barf away.
One Last little Thing to round that Crap up: "Romney, U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann and Others said, They would support Waterboarding because They believed it had elicited valuable Intelligence in the Past, ...."
Funny, when dickheaded Imbeciles give Something like Waterbording an "elicited valuable Intelligence"
Why don't you try it yourself, you stupid Motherfuckers!
It's cheap too!!
I'll be happy, to donate the Towel and a Bucket of Water ... and the physical Application .... and lets see, if you gain some Intelligence, after that 'Special SPA-Treatment' ...........
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Sags mal Laut .... Penner! .. dans le Duenkel, se bon Muenkel
Erstmal welche der uebelsten Boediane im Quartett
Friday, November 4, 2011
Wenn 2 Sich Streiten ..... RealSatire
Natuerlich sagt der 'Pizza-Herman, dass er vollkommen unschuldig sei und beschuldigt seinen Rivalen 'TexasCoyotenKiller-Rick, das Ganze inszeniert zu haben.
Wahr oder Nicht? ... Wenn nicht, ist das Prinzip des Mobbing ausschlaggebend! 'You're fucked anyway'
Die amerikanischen Praesi-Kandidaten muss man sich gar nicht genauer anschauen. Ein paar Debatten, Interviews, ... und wann auch immer diese abgereicherten IQs ihre Sprechloecher oeffnen, .. muss man unbedingt mit, nicht nur annaeherndem Schwachsinn rechnen.
Da wird der Spruch "Bloeder gehts nicht mehr" absolut obsolet, schlichtweg andauernd widerlegt.
(Derlei verbloedete Beschissenheit, ist im Uebrigen auch auf der politischen Weltbuehne zu verzeichnen)
Die AmiDems tun, was sie auch ansonsten am Besten tun, ... naemlich NIX, was in diesem Fall nicht unbedingt unklug sei, worueber dann zB. " Republican strategist Ford O'Connell said. "The more They (We!!.. Bloedian!) duke it out, the more Ammo Team Obama has going into the General Election." ...... und "David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University."... 'denkt', dass Napoleon gesagt hat "Halt dich immer raus, wenn dein Feind im Begriff ist sich selbst zu zerstoeren" .... "Napoleon I think said you never interfere with an Enemy in the Act of destroying himself."
Ja Ja, das ist schon Weise, aber das sollte man sich, wie auch so vieles Andere, auch notieren, um im verbleibenden Jahr des Wahlkampfes staendig und umfangreich Arschtreten zu koennen/muessen/sollen.
Genau Das funktioniert bei den Dems ueberhaupt Garnicht, wobei sich ein Vergleich mit der Bundes-SPD anbiedert, Welche vor Allem durch die erste Halbzeit-Schwarzgelb, all deren verschissen'praezisen Vorlagen so ueberhaupt garnicht gewinnbringend verwerten konnte/wollte.
Man braucht schon einen ausgefallenen Humor, um ueberhaupt faehig zu sein, mit allgemein politischem Abfall zu dealen.
Lustig ist's auf keinen Fall, da halt immer wieder die Steigerung an Gefahr besteht, dass noch ueblere, duemmere Arschloecher, denn eh schon am Druecker, den Globus noch ausdruecklicher UpFuckn.
Kleinere Uebel sind mikroskopisch und ausschlaggebendere Alternativen existieren Nicht.
Die Notleidenden der so ueberaus tragisch menschlichen Geschichte und Milliarden Derer dieser jetzigen Gegenwart unterliegen mit depressivster Sicherheit einem allumfassenden "What Else is New" ..... NOTHING!!
Weiterhin leidet die gesamte Menschheit unter einer Handvoll Arschloecher.
Gibts auch Andere??
"'Gib ihnen Macht und du wirst ihren wahren Charakter erkennen.'"
Diesbezueglich ist die Auswahl mit Sicherheit begrenzt!!