"A recent opinion poll published on the day of Bush's visit to Berlin shows 77% of Germans think the 'veteran president' has not done a good job.
According to a survey released on Wednesday by German broadcaster N24, only 14 percent of the voters evaluated US President George Bush's policies as successful.
The poll, conducted by the Emnid agency, interviewed 1,000 Germans on June 9 and had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.
One day earlier the Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper had commented on the reluctance of leading European politicians to be associated with Bush.
"Every European politician knew that the partner in Washington was quasi-radioactively contaminated. Whoever got involved with Bush would be abandoned by the voters."
According to the latest opinion polls over 80 percent of the population of Europe is opposed to the Bush administration's policies.
The veteran Social Democratic Party politician Egon Bahr said "I do not know of any other president in American history who has done so much damage to his country."
The former German foreign minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher stated that Bush was largely responsible for the enormous loss of prestige suffered by the US worldwide."
Including the American People, we've got a Majority out of 800 Million Citizens in Europe/America who don't 'like the Bush-Administration and let us include also them 'few People in Canada and Australia.
And what about them other 5,5 Billion World-Citzens in Russia, China/Asia, India, Mid-East, Afrika, .............
Reckon that most People want nothing more than a good Life and Peace for themselves and their Children, I assume that most People on this Planet just can't like Bush & CO., as Freedom and Peace is certainly not what he stands and goes for.
But lets stick with them Europeans, especially those who have the same self-announced World-Leading Ambitions like GeorgeJunior, talk the same Shit out of his Ass and suck his Dick by any givn' Chance.
I excuse the English as I do'nt think that to many People could predict, in what Mess Tony Blair would get in to, just by becoming Bushs Pudel. He did'nt do any good, ... not for England and sure not for anybody else. And nobody has been asked for Blairs pus'ed grown in Toenail Brown, which does'nt make any Difference at all, .....rather worse.
Who could possibly process the old-back and forward-don't know what the Fuck-Newcumer Italy. This, 'have'nt recuperate from the Fall of the Roman Empire Non-Brainers' elected the very same Master-Criminal-Billionair who should be in Prison since the early 80's, for the third Time since '94.
Maybe the Fact that Italy had nearly as many Governments as Years since '45 helps to not understand Them furthermore. And Pro-Bush was well know'n for granted. What the f...
The French ain't any better. Their 'almost senil former Leader has already been called 'Atom-Chirac' as he threatn'ed Iran with Nuke's in repeat. The old Sucker just tried to fit that new american/european Profile.
Whats that? ... Well, easy .... fuck up everything including your own People.
And than they made the worst Choice possible.
They elected a total Fuck, being forced to bitch about him during his first Year in Office, and his 'We do'nt' like You Poll' was at 70% after his first Year, mostly about fucking up his own Frenchmen and Women. International he's just matching the other Bush-Policy Cocksuckers.
And so we come to the female Part of this 'western wanna globalize with all Options on the Table Bang-Gang'.
Se' Merkel. .. Surprisingly 'It got the best Approval-Polls throughout the first 2 and a half Years.
Already that is hard to understand, as a 3Quarter Majority of Germans (and the Worlds Population) does'nt like Bush. And Merkel 'hangs with Bush more than all the other submissive Morons and she's his favorite Bitch too.
During her Regency she has been in the US 11 Times out of her over 60 international Trips within her first 2 Years.
She's never Home. Easy to understand, if you don't give a Shit about your Country at all.
Already over 2 Years befor 'It has (*not) been elected for Chancelor in 2005, she rushed over to the United States in 2003 to go down on Bush and apologize for Chancelor Schroeders strong Refusal to participate in Bushs Iraq-Attack leaving the Remark that that would'nt have happened with her in Office.
Right there you can start asking what the fuck is wrong with you Germans? Don't you People hate that Iraq-Wareither? And with Merkel them Days, you would be a vital, brutal and criminal Part of It!
In June 2005, .. 3 Months before she has'nt been elected by the German Voters with only *35%, she said that "We truly do not have the legal Right for Democracie and sozial Market Economie for Eternity"
Regarding to Homeland-Security she has nothing but "Zero-Tolerance"
And in Order to install or wors'n more inhumane ilegal Failures like Afghanistan and overall, she likes to cum up with "No Alternatives" and "No Tabu's"
So, what is wrong with you Germans?
Nothing at all!
They sit in the same Boat like their Neighbours and Others.
More and more People simply get sick and tired of all that daily Crap out there. If and what they know, does'nt make to much of a Difference, as there is no Alternative for them to See.
The Non-Voters are going to become the Strongest Party because many do not wanna waste their Voice for some lesser 'Evil.
For Them there is no more or less anymore. "They're all the Same" you hear many say.
Schaebig gelagert und gesicherte amerikanische Atomwaffen in Deutschland/Europa.
Dazu haben sich dann andere Politikaersche tatsaechlich auch versucht, vernuenftig zu profilieren.
"Nach Berichten über Sicherheitsrisiken in Atomwaffenlagern haben Politiker der Oppositionsparteien den Abzug aller US-Nuklearwaffen aus Deutschland gefordert."
"«Die Atomwaffen in Deutschland sind ein Überbleibsel aus dem Kalten Krieg und müssen weg», sagte der FDP-Chef Guido Westerwelle der «Berliner Zeitung» laut Vorabmeldung.Kritik kam auch vonden Grünenundder Linkspartei."
"«Wenn es Sicherheitsrisiken gibt, ist das ein Grund mehr, alle noch in Deutschland lagernden taktischen Atomwaffen abzuziehen», sagte Westerwelle. Die Bundesregierung sollte rasch mit den USA eine Lösung herbeiführen. Der Abzug könne auch ein Signal für neue Abrüstungsbemühungen in Europa sein."
"Der stellvertretende Fraktionschef der Grünen, Jürgen Trittin, forderte, neben dem Abzug aller Atomwaffen müsse Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel auf die nukleare Teilhabe Deutschlands verzichten. Diese (Merkel?) sieht eine Beteiligung der Bundeswehr an einem von der Nato geführten Atomkrieg vor."
"Der Fraktionschef der Linken, Gregor Gysi, sagte: «Wenn die Bundesregierung ein Kreuz hätte, würde sie unverzüglich von den USA den Abzug der Atomwaffen möglichst unter deren Verschrottung verlangen.» Damit wären Deutschland und Europa sicherer. Die Mängel bei der Lagerung der Atombomben zeigten: «Mit Atomwaffen gibt es keine Sicherheit.»"
"Der SPD-Außenpolitiker Niels Annen sagte dem Blatt, der Abzug der US-Atomwaffen wäre ein riesiger Schritt, um bei der nuklearen Abrüstung voranzukommen."
Dann kommt die 'Zwischenheadline' "CDU: Atomwaffen schützen uns"
"Die Union äußerte sich dagegen zurückhaltend: Die Waffen müssten nach den höchsten Sicherheitsstandards gelagert werden, sagte der außenpolitische Sprecher der Fraktion, Eckart von Klaeden. «Wir können aber nicht auf sie verzichten, solange es Nuklearwaffen auf der Welt gibt. Sie schützen auch uns.» Die nukleare Teilhabe müsse Bestandteil der deutschen Sicherheitspolitik bleiben."
Dieser kleine Pofalla-Klon ist doch tatsaechlich aussenpolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Fraktion und schwaetzt genauso einen Mist wie sein Look a Like Generalsekretaer.
"«Wir müssen uns auch davor wappnen, dass uns zum Beispiel ein Land wie der Iran in Zukunft zu Geiseln nimmt.»"
Ja bitte du boeser Iraner, ... nimm den Eckart zur Geisel und fuetter ihn 4 Wochen lang mit Kamel-Kacke damit er mal ne Ausrede fuer sein Scheiss-Gelaber hat.
Kahentinetha Horn, beaten at border by officers and hospitalized after heart attack; Katenies beaten and jailed.
By Brenda NorrellHuman Rights EditorU.N. OBSERVER & International Report at the Hague http://www.unobserver.com/
Update: Telephone interview on Tuesday afternoon with Katenies, beaten by Canadian police and border agents. Kahentinetha remains in the hospital, condition unknown, after suffering a heart attack in custody
AKWESASNE -- Mohawk grandmothers Kahentinetha Horn and Katenies were in custody at the US/Canadian border, when the two women were handcuffed and beaten by gangs of officers and border patrol agents on Saturday, June 14, 2008. Eight officers beat Kahentinetha, 68 years old, and five officers beat Katenies. Kahentinetha, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, suffered a heart attack and is in a Canadian hospital. Katenies has been released from a Canadian jail and is in seclusion.Katenies, in a telephone interview on Tuesday afternoon, described the police attack on the women at the border. Katenies said the women were returning to Canada from a visit in the US, when they were stopped at the border. After the women showed their Haudenosaunee identification, they were told the IDs were not sufficient and they were detained.
Katenies was told she had an earlier warrant. She had refused to recognize the authority of the Canadian government over her. In the earlier case she had stopped at a border check and was granted permission to pass, but border agents later claimed she was not cleared to pass. When she refused to recognize the authority of the Canadian government over her, a warrant resulted.On Saturday, when Katenies refused to get out of the car, five huge Canadian officers and border agents jumped on her, dragged her out and threw her to the concrete, grinding her chin into the concrete."I went down so fast, they had knees in my back and kidneys. They were like a football team on me and they acted like they had no boundaries."
"They told me if I didn't cooperate, they would break my arms."As officers attacked Katenies, Kahentinetha was on her cell phone calling family members and authorities for help.When Kahentinetha refused to hang up, eight officers attacked her.
Katenies was placed in a cell and could hear the officers bring in Kahentinetha. Katenies could hear Kahentinetha yelling for them to loosen the handcuffs. By the screams of pain, Katenies said it sounded like the police were continuing to tighten the handcuffs as Kahentinetha cried out.
Kahentinetha was handcuffed in a stress hold. The handcuffs cut off Kahentinetha's circulation and she suffered a heart attack. A family member arrived at the same time and was able to get an ambulance immediately for Kahentinetha and she was transported to a hospital.
Katenies was transported to jail in Cornwall, where she remained from Saturday until Monday evening. Katenies said the women were not charged, but were told they would be charged at a later date.
Kahentinetha remains in the hospital, with family present, and her condition is unknown.
A member of the Mohawk Warrior Society said, "They did this because we have the greatest weapon, the truth, and what Kahentinetha writes is the truth. They are terrified of the truth. What they are trying to do is provoke the Mohawks." He said ultimately what they want is to provoke the Mohawks into a confrontation so the Mohawks who are resisting will be shot and killed. He said the Canadian government's plan was to assassinate Kahentinetha.
By Brenda Norrell
Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, was beaten by special forces at the US/Canadian border and suffered a heart attack. Kahentinetha is currently hospitalized in Canada. Katenies, who was accompanying her, was taken to prison at an undisclosed location. Please read the following message, which has been confirmed as true, and contact the leaders of Canada and demand both women be released and justice served to the perpetrators.
Kahentinetha's articles on sovereignty, mining on Indigenous lands, corruption and border rights have made her a priority target of the Canadian government for assassination. While on the Arizona border in November, at the Indigenous Border Summit of the Americas II, she challenged the Tohono O'odham Nation's incarceration of Indigenous migrants in the outdoor "cage," construction of the border vehicle barrier through the ceremonial route and the digging up of O'odham ancestors for the border wall by the contractor Boeing.
As the borders were increasingly militarized by Homeland Security and Canadian corporations increasingly seized Indigenous Peoples lands for mining, Kahentinetha and Katenies, were targeted with death threats.
Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:42 pm Post subject: Kahentinetha Horn, Katenies attacked at the border!
Monday, June 16, 2008Mohawk Elder and Grandmother, Kahentinetha Horn suffered a heart attack, Saturday, June 14, 2008 during a vicious, unprovoked assault by OPP and border agents at Cornwall, in Akwesasne community. She had been beaten and handcuffed when she collapsed. Earlier when she was pulled over, Kahentinetha immediately contacted her brother, a lawyer, on her cellphone. The entire incident was being filmed as her brother rushed to the scene just in time to call an ambulance for her.Meanwhile, Elder and Grandmother Katenies of Akwesasne was beaten and taken prisoner to an as yet undisclosed location. We are very concerned about her safety. We demand to know of her whereabouts and that she be> released immediately. A few months ago, Julian Fantino put out the word, warning Kahentinetha not to set foot in Ontario or else. She is the publisher of MNN and regular internet reports that are very critical of police and government actions toward Indigenous people. Her articles often clearly state the legalities/realities of the situation that Canada is a corporation plundering unceded Turtle Island. The land and resources belong to the Ongwehoneh people. Canada's huge debt to us will bankrupt them forever.The other day, while Stephen Harper was making a public apology to Indigenous for the crimes of the residential schools, he was also preparing to send the army in at 6 nations. Brantford city mayor has requested it, stating his city police cannot handle another "Mohawk uprising", in other words, peaceful protests against housing development where non resident, non Natives attack the protesters while the police watch. The Ontario Conservatives call for military intervention every day. On Saturday, border agents were pulling over every Native person. Kahentinetha and Katenies were traveling in Akwesasne in the course of their regular activities and were caught up in the dragnet. Did Fantino set up a trap for the two outspoken, Mohawk grandmothers? We suspect that Kahentinetha would have been killed at a secret location had she not had a heart attack and been taken to hospital. Immediately following this incident, many Mohawks and supporters started to gather at Akwesasne. Kahentinetha and Katenies' attackers want them to accept being Canadian or else they will kill them and anyone else who resists colonization. This low level warfare is playing out on the "border" between Canada and the US, an imaginary line drawn right through the Mohawk community of Akwesasne and through Haudenosaunee territory which is a vast area on BOTH sides of the Great Lakes. This Great Lakes area is also a proposed center for the NWO. Many military plans are underway including nuclear submarines in the Great Lakes and JTF2, Aerospace Warfare Center and NATO FOB (Forward Operating> Base) at a new base being built at Trenton, near Tyendinaga Mohawk community. Tyendinaga was attacked by OPP/SWAT in April when Mohawks protested housing development there. If Canadians are so damned sorry about the abuse of Native people, why is this still happening? Why do people remain silent when Mohawk elders and grandmothers are attacked like this? We are under constant surveillance> and threats and attacks while our land continues to be plundered and pillaged. Was this a failed assassination attempt ordered by Julian> Fantino, commissioner of OPP and head of the biggest gang in the area? We must demand answers and get answers. This attempted genocide must cease. We will never give up.>> Call or write to politicians, media, action lists including international. Get the word out now!!! K..... will be speaking with Kevin Annett on live radio today at 4:30 pmMontreal time.Iakoha'ko:wa Sharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee Territory PLEASE SEND YOUR OBJECTIONS TO: QUEENIE ELIZABETH II, Buckingham Palace,>> LONDON UK; Governor General MICHAELLE "Haitian-Against-the-Nation" JEAN, 1>> Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO info@gg.ca; Canada Prime Minister STEPHEN>> HARPER, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO harper.s@parl.gc.ca; Ontario Premier DALTON McGUINTY, Queen's Park, TORONTO, ONTARIO mcguinty.D@parl.gc.ca; United Nations unat@un.org; Indian Affairs Minister Strahl.c@parl.gc.ca; Brantford Mayor Michael Hancock 519-759-3330 nborowicz@brantford.ca; Ontario Attorney General 416-326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901; Minister Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant % Lars.Eedy@ontario.ca, Neil Smitheman, Brantford ambulance chaser n.smitheman@fasken.com 416-868-3441; Aaron Detlor adetlor@sympatico.ca; Bev Jacobs bjacobs@nwac.hq.org; Julian Fantino OPP Commissioner julian.fantino@jus.gov.on.ca; s "Paul Leblanc of \"Indian\" Affairs" , Sylvia McKenzie Justice Canada , Emanuel Chabot Public Affairs 7 Emergency Preparedness, Louis-Alesandre Guay "Justice Canada lguay"@justice.gc.ca, Gilles Rochon Aboriginal Policing> , "Chuck Strahl Minister of \"Indian\" Affairs" See http://www.mohawknationnews.com/
Update re Kahentinetha Horn - Mohawk Grandmothers Attacked at Canada-US Border Crossing
June 16, 2008 1pmKahentinetha Horn has been transferred to an Ottawa hospital while the whereabouts of Katenies remain unknown. Outrage is growing in Indian country. Who will be next in the roundups? There is no doubt that this incident 'an attempt to take a human life', of Kahentinetha Horn - makes the false apology given by the Harper government to Native peoples for past tortures and maltreatment completely null and void.
Token drugstore Indians like Phil Fontaine paraded around on TV to receive this apology are all on government payrolls. They represent and speak for no one but the government. It shows the hypocrisy insidiously embedded in the Harper government.This incident was not carried out by regular border patrol personnel. It was carried out by a team of professionals who are installed at this particular border crossing for the sole purpose of apprehending Miss Horn and doing away with her permanently.
Behaviours and actions like this only come about when ordered and sanctioned by the highest levels of Harper's government and CSIS. This attempt on Miss Horn's life failed this time, but we are confident that Harper, CSIS and Fantino will continue in their efforts to silence Ms Horn forever. This attempt is just a variation of extraordinary rendition where one is whisked away to an undisclosed location, tortured and later found dead in a ditch somewhere.Karakwine will be speaking with Kevin Annett on live radio today at 4:30 pm Montreal time. Stop the Genocide. Speak out while you still can!!!Iakoha'ko:waSharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee TerritoryPLEASE SEND YOUR OBJECTIONS TO: QUEENIE ELIZABETH II, Buckingham Palace,LONDON UK; Governor General MICHAELLE "Haitian-Against-the-Nation" JEAN, 1Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO info@gg.ca; Canada Prime Minister STEPHENHARPER, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO harper.s@parl.gc.ca; OntarioPremier DALTON McGUINTY, Queen's Park, TORONTO, ONTARIOmcguinty.D@parl.gc.ca; United Nations unat@un.org; Indian Affairs MinisterStrahl.c@parl.gc.ca; Brantford Mayor Michael Hancock 519-759-3330nborowicz@brantford.ca; Ontario Attorney General 416-326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901;Minister Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant % Lars.Eedy@ontario.ca ;Neil Smitheman, Brantford ambulance chaser n.smitheman@fasken.com 416-868-3441;Aaron Detlor adetlor@sympatico.ca; Bev Jacobs bjacobs@nwac.hq.org; Julian FantinoOPP Commissioner julian.fantino@jus.gov.on.ca; s"Paul Leblanc of \"Indian\" Affairs" , Sylvia McKenzie Justice Canada , Emanuel Chabot Public Affairs 7 Emergency Preparedness , Louis-Alesandre Guay <"Justice Canada lguay"@justice.gc.ca>, Gilles Rochon Aboriginal Policing , "Chuck Strahl Minister of \"Indian\" Affairs" Seehttp://www.mohawknationnews.com/ Posted by brendanorrell@gmail.com at 3:25 PM
McCain Supporters gonna hate Olbermann for that. Get a Grip People. It's in Context. Quotes from the last 6 Years, and in a 'normal World it would be certainly hard to make any reasonable or coherent Sense out of That. But it ain't a normal World Up There, ... ain't It. And McCain is'nt the only mad Moron Up There either. And what are his References to lead the USA out of this inter/national Disaster. NONE .... and what was H. R. Clintons References to make America and the Rest of the World a better Place?... Her last Name and took it easy with Bill's Blowjob? .. and what else? And who is Obama? The Tiger Woods of Politics, with the 'slide Difference, that Woods proofed over-sufficiently that he's good in what he's doing and Obama is only an extreme slick Talker and still and already said way to many Things to proof where he will be lead from and to. It does'nt really matter who gets the Job, ... McCain would just be the most embarassing Choice. An american Yeltsin, run by the sameMonsters like his late russian Colleague.("If we rank all the fields of man's activity by profitability, politics will be the most lucrative business. When we see a critical situation in the government, we draw lots in order to pick out a person from our milieu for work in power.") Mikhail Khodorkovsky .. '97 Who will be Obamas 'Ghosts? ...... And whats the Difference at all, to the already installed World-Leading Morons in Europe? NONE .... They all talk the same Bull' on a day'lie Routine. It does'nt matter anymore who you listening to. Actually they fuck with almost Everybody, is not within their western, democratic globalizing-Order Union. They prepare with Bitching, Badmouthing, ...followed by Assumption, Insinuation and Lies, ... and Ends in Boykotts, Resolutions, Sanctions and the Threat of military Options to the final Attack. They unanimously refuse to talk to Those they declared their Enemys, and pretend that they do'nt need to, before their Pre-Conditions have'nt been fullfilled. They boost social Breakdowns/Poverty in their own Countries and push for tough Security'measures up to the Zero-Toleranz Level. Total Kontrol, Stake 'em all out, Cameras everywhere, Phones, Computers, Face-Scan, Fingerprints, DNA, Eye-Scan*, ....... Armys in the Streets, ... Everybody becomes a Suspect. .......... Democracie?? The english Regime just released its new Little-Guantanamo-Law, which enables them to detain everybody arbitrarily without Reason, Charge nore lawfull Defence for up to 42 Days."Enough is enough. On top of the attempt to extend detention without trial, on top of the Belmarsh detention camp in the UK, on top of the increasing atmosphere of the ‘Crusades’ ........" And these sickning Actions and further Ideas are out there everywhere. Completely pathetic, Europe has for the third time since '94 its own Pizza-Oligarch back, and he is going to change the Constitution of his Country, so he does'nt have to go to Prison for up to 8 Years. B4 i get too confusing, i can only ask how much more it takes to wake up, but i also apologize for my Impertinence again, because it could never be enough 'til it was to Late. Betrayer
Ich hab mich Anfang Juni in die Berge verzogen. 'Blog-Huette ohne Internet'Zugriff.
Blue Ridge Mountains, .... Rivers, Creeks, Lakes und relativ 'normale Menschen, die allesamt, aus welchen Gruenden auch immer, nach doch dem Selben suchen und taten wie ich selbst.
Raus, Ausspannen, Abschalten, Ruhe, Geniessen, Angeln ohne was fangen zu wollen, .... Stille, ....
{Jacuzzi with the old Lady :-) }
Begrenzt, bezahlte Auszeit, .. kurze Flucht.
Klingt wie ne Beschwerde, da es mir schon immer schwer viel zu relaxn. Bin aber mehr als dankbar, gluecklich und extrem traurig, das alleine dieses 'simple Privileg den meisten Menschen auf diesem Planeten ganz und gar nicht zur Verfuegung steht.
Ganz im Gegenteil.
Alleine in unserer so heilen und fuersorglich zivilisierten 'Westworld' gehen taeglich mehr und mehr Menschen vor die Armutshunde und werden dafuer noch diskriminiert, kriminalisiert und 'militarisiert.
Genau gegen diese konstitutionell-exzessive Legalisierung dieser voranschreitenden Unterjochung einer halben Milliarde Menschen in Europa hat Irland abgestimmt.
Ich hatte auf die Stimme Irlands keinen Wert gelegt.
Durch den inter/national Pre-JA-JA-JA-bedrohend-einschuechternden Pro-Scheiss-Hirnwasch hab ich sowieso damit gerechnet, das die Iren buckeln oder das Ganze eh 'gefixt wird.
Auch fuer den Fall Irland wuerde tun was es denn auch tat, hatte ich keinerlei Probleme. 'Die da Oben' stecken das ganz locker weg und gehen ruecksichtslos und zielstrebig fuer Lissabon.
Und nicht unbedingt erstaunlicher Weise versuchen 'Sie auch genau Das zu tun.
Nur wiedermal komm ich nicht mehr ganz mit, wie schaebigst das Ganze von Statten geht.
Wenn schon 'zuvor die umfassend schmutzige 'Bearbeitung der Iren aufstiess, so ist das Nachbeben umso dreckiger und es ist nicht mehr nur ein Eindruck, dass die europaeischen 'Macher gar nichts anderes mehr zur Verfuegung haben, denn verbal als auch physisch real ihren brutalen, Demokratie und Menschenfeindlichen Pfad in aller Oeffentlichkeit rauszuhaengen. Das gilt europaeisch/national als auch international.
Hoffentlich wird dieser jetzige Zustand-Irland nicht medial zertreten und vergraben wie so alles Andere.
Die 27 Regierungen Europas stimmten dem EU-Vertrag zu und 2 Drittel derer ratifizierten. Durch den 'von Konstitution zum Vertrags-Trick', wurde die halbe Milliarde Buerger Europas an der Entscheidung ueber ihre Zukunft anhand eines undurchsichtigen bis unbekannten und zunehmend gefuerchteten Machwerks gehindert.
Extrems unangenehm ist das kleine Ir'land das 'Einzige, dessen Buerger auf demokratischste Weise ueber eine ungewisse Zukunft abstimmen duerfen.
Fuer diesen eiwandfreien Akt von Demokratie sitzen die Iren jetzt auf einer mannigfachen, undemokratisch-imperialistischen Bank von Anklagen.