Thursday, April 13, 2017

Spicy Gas Apology

I'm kind of konfused, how to react to that.
I can laugh about any kind of Shit. I've got all kind of dry, black, sarkastic, cynical, badass tasteless Humor possible. ...

"So Sean, lets start with Yesterday."
Have there been Laugh-Now Signs shown to the Audience to laugh about the Upcoming, and Spicer giggles like an embarrased acting Teen who just talks about yesterday Night's exciting Loss of her Virginity ....

What an easy and relaxing Entry into this kind of fucking Bull.
How do I handle this profused Apology?
As painfull, as it is to handle that never before seen Unslaught of fucking Campaign/Govern-Shit, of the nearly last two Years?
The initiale Statement was:
“You had someone as despicable as Hitler, who didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”
The Intention, to make Assad looking way worse than even Hitler ...  with whatever add ons, he try to smooth that fucking initial Statement.  ...
And forever and always I don't wonder what it could be, that drives that kind of fucking Shit.
Did you kind of plan? to say something somehow or what?, like that?  in Expectation of the inevitable outraged Questions to that particular Matter? ........ or did that just babble out??? .....
Whatever it is, won't even pass any IQ-Test for Jobs like ...  jerking off massive Cucumbers around Chernobyl.

So I cannot morally&naturally judge Spicer or Others who also/konstantly say simmular Stuff like that, because they're handicapped. 
This poor People like Spicer, Trump, Sessions, DeVos, Ryan and all them Others ending up somehow playing Government and GOP, should be taken care of in Special Needs Facilities. 

But they're still better than some creepy Nightmares plaquing me lately. 
Like that Jew and this horrific rotten white supremacy racist twistet Nazifuck, fighting furiously over the Position for Topadviser/strategist for an orangefaced fucked up US President, which also happens to be the Father in Law of that Jew. .... and you really do not wanna know more about this sick, fucking Nightmare. 

So, don't wake up!


  1. Sorry, but I guess you got the wrong apology-video.

    This is the real Sean Spicer:


  2. Da sieht man wie selten ich mich auf meiner Blogleiche rumtreibe. Habe deinen Kommentar gerade entdeckt. :)

    Man sieht sich

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
