Her Opponent in the Missouri Senate Race, Republican Rep. Todd Akin, has spent most of the Day backtracking after saying that ""Victims of "Legitimate Rape" cannot biologically become pregnant and Thus do not need Access to Legal Abortions.""
"If it's a Legitimate Rape, the female Body has Ways to try to shut that whole Thing down."
Most certainly, I don't care about them lame Excuses of this fuckin, il'legitimate Piece of Shit.
Go Fuck Yourself!
That Fuckface just jumped opportunisticly on that typical Abortion-Agenda comes up with every fucking Election, in Order to let his motherfucking Shit loose.
I put Paul Ryan in the same miserable Category, not only, when it comes to Abortion.
And there are, and in This Case has been, some other MotherFuckers, who wanted Women who Abort on Death Penalty. ... That particular Fuck is with his God now.
I do not wish (almost) Nobody to bite the Dust, but sickening Creeps like Them, I offer some Yoga-Classes to make it easier to go Fuck Themselfs and Eat Shit instead of spilling It!